Another podcast idea…

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know.  I talk about doing stuff much of the time, but rarely succeed in doing any of it.  If I’m not mistaken that makes me a member in excellent standing (…go ahead, I’m waiting…)

Here’s another idea.  I think some of our discussions are really interesting.  I also think others might find them so, and the interchange thus generated might be fun.  So here’s the proposal: give me a list of things you think would be fun for the LS to discuss/debate that you would be willing to discuss/debate with camera or audio recorder rolling.  They need not follow any particular theme.  Once we have a critical mass of sorts, if the idea still seems good, we can collectively select the first topic from the list of available candidates.  We’ll schedule a gathering just for the purpose (including the disembodied heads of our Left Coast friends on monitors) and discuss away.  I’ll commit to recording, editing, and posting.  I’ll also check into posting a blog so folks will have a place to respond and perhaps even suggest themes of their own.

So have at it.  Discuss the merits of the overall concept.  Make suggestions as to topics.  My only suggestion would be to suggest ideas for which everyone can provide some sort of contribution to the discussion.  Feel free to provide prerequisites to the discussion.  Here are a few ideas of varying merit:

The Best Worst Movies
Consequences of the Creative Urge
(after watching the film) Artistic Merit in Zardoz

11 Thoughts on “Another podcast idea…

  1. turff on June 10, 2009 at 12:41 pm said:

    another one:
    The Most Overrated Films of All Time

  2. marc on June 10, 2009 at 1:27 pm said:

    Don’t forge the contentious world of Church Clowns.

    And the meta-commentary potential of a podcast about making a podcast. We had a bit of a run at that one at the film festival and it went pretty well.

  3. turff on June 10, 2009 at 3:28 pm said:

    As suggested by marc elsewhere:

    Wil Wheaton

  4. turff on June 16, 2009 at 9:29 am said:

    Ok, so maybe this wasn’t an inspiring idea after all.

  5. marc on June 16, 2009 at 9:34 am said:

    Now, now. It’s an inspiring idea, but it’s truly one that requires us to be sitting together or pretending to sit together…

  6. turff on June 16, 2009 at 10:53 am said:

    I struggled with the idea of just taping, or choosing “roles” to take while taping.

    The point of the post was more to solicit ideas (or gain critique of the ones posted) that we should discuss. I’ve long been a better instigator than actual idea creator.

  7. Even that might emerge more spontaneously and “organically” during an actual gathering…I’ve run out of ways to justify the current muteness of our little universe.

  8. jeff on June 16, 2009 at 1:26 pm said:

    We’re encountering the Void. Shh. I’m close to epiphany.

  9. dale on June 17, 2009 at 6:58 am said:

    I’m not as present as I should be because THE FRICKIN’ UNIVERSITY KEEPS KICKING ME OFF. Carry on.

  10. turff on June 17, 2009 at 7:27 am said:

    Are epiphanies legal in the state of Georgia? I know we’re consenting adults, but…

  11. jeff on June 17, 2009 at 9:55 am said:

    Let’s consult with our botanist about that.

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