Writing Slogans

I came across these in a post at , and I thought we might want to examine them.


“First thought is best in Art, second in other matters.” –William Blake

I. GROUND (Situation, or Primary Perception)

  1. “First Thought, Best Thought” –Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche
  2. “Take a friendly attitude toward your thoughts.” –Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche
  3. “The Mind must be loose.” –John Adams
  4. “One perception must immediately and directly lead to a further perception.” –Charles Olson, “Projective Verse”
  5. “My writing is a picture of the mind moving.” –Philip Whalen
  6. Surprise Mind –Allen Ginsberg
  7. “The old pond, a frog jumps in, Kerplunk!” –Basho
  8. “Magic is the total delight (appreciation) of chance” –Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche
  9. “Do I contradict myself?
    Very well, then I contradict myself,
    (I am large. I contain multitudes.)” –Walt Whitman
  10. “…What quality went to form a man of achievement, especially in literature? …Negative capability, that is, when a man is capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact & reason.” –John Keats
  11. “Form is never more than an extension of content.” –Robert Creeley to Charles Olson
  12. “Form follows function.” –Frank Lloyd Wright
  13. Ordinary Mind includes eternal perceptions. –A.G.
  14. “Nothing is better for being Eternal
    Nor so white as the white that dies of a day.” –Louis Zukofsky
  15. Notice what you notice. –A.G.
  16. Catch yourself thinking. –A.G.
  17. Observe what”s vivid. –A.G.
  18. Vividness is self-selecting. –A.G.
  19. “Spots of Time” –William Wordsworth
  20. If we don”t show anyone we”re free to write anything. –A.G.
  21. “My mind is open to itself.” –Gelek Rinpoche
  22. “Each on his bed spoke to himself alone, making no sound.” –Charles Reznikoff

II. PATH (Method or Recognition)

  1. “No ideas but in things.” “…No ideas but in the Facts.” –William Carlos Williams
  2. “Close to the nose.” –W.C.Williams
  3. “Sight is where the eye hits.” –Louis Zukofsky
  4. “Clamp the mind down on objects.” –W.C.Williams
  5. “Direct treatment of the thing…” (or object.)” –E.Pound, 1912
  6. “Presentation, not reference…” –Ezra Pound
  7. “Give me a for instance.” –Vernacular
  8. “Show not tell.” –Vernacular
  9. “The natural object is always the adequate symbol.” –Ezra Pound
  10. “Things are symbols of themselves.” –Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche
  11. “Labor well the minute particulars, take care of the little ones
    He who would do good for another must do it in minute particulars
    General Good is the plea of the Scoundrel Hypocrite and Flatterer
    For Art & Science cannot exist but in minutely organized particulars” –William Blake
  12. “And being old she put a skin/On everything she said.” –W.B.Yeats
  13. “Don”t think of words when you stop but to see the picture better.” –Jack Kerouac
  14. “Details are the Life of Prose.” –Jack Kerouac
  15. Intense fragments of spoken idiom, best. –A.G.
  16. “Economy of Words” –Ezra Pound
  17. “Tailoring” –Gregory Corso
  18. Maximum information, minimum number of syllables. –A.G.
  19. Syntax condensed, sound is solid. –A.G.
  20. Savor vowels, appreciate consonants. –A.G.
  21. “Compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in sequence of a metronome.” –Ezra online slots Pound
  22. “…awareness…of the tone leading of the vowels.” –Ezra Pound
  23. “…an attempt to approximate classical quantitative meters…” –Ezra Pound
  24. “Lower limit speech, upper limit song” –Louis Zukofsky
  25. “Phanopoeia, Melopoeia, Logopoeia.” –Ezra Pound
  26. “Sight, Sound & Intellect.” –Louis Zukofsky
  27. “Only emotion objectified endures.” — Louis Zukofsky

III. FRUITION (Result or Appreciation)

  1. Spiritus = Breathing = Inspiration = Unobstructed Breath
  2. “Alone with the Alone” –Plotinus
  3. Sunyata (Skt.) = Ku (Japanese) = Emptiness
  4. “What”s the sound of one hand clapping?” –Zen Koan
  5. “What”s the face you had before you were born?” –Zen Koan
  6. Vipassana (Skt.) = Clear Seeing
  7. “Stop the world” –Carlos Casteneda
  8. “The purpose of art is to stop time.” –Bob Dylan
  9. “The unspeakable visions of the individual.” –J.K.
  10. “I”m going to try speaking some reckless words, and I want you to try to listen recklessly.” –Chuang Tzu, (Tr. Burton Watson)
  11. “Candor” –Whitman
  12. “One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.” –Shakespeare
  13. “Contact” –A Magazine, Nathaniel West & W.C. Williams, Eds.
  14. “God Appears & God is Light
    To those poor Souls who dwell in Night
    But does a Human Form Display
    To those who Dwell in Realms of day.” –W. Blake
  15. Subject is known by what she sees. –A.G.
  16. Others can measure their visions by what we see. –A.G.
  17. Candor ends paranoia. –A.G.
  18. “Willingness to be Fool.” –Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche
  19. “day & night/you”re all right” –Corso
  20. Tyger: “Humility is Beatness.” –Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche & A.G.
  21. Lion: “Surprise Mind” –Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche & A.G.
  22. Garuda: “Crazy Wisdom Outrageousness” –Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche
  23. Dragon: “Unborn Inscrutability” –Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche
  24. “To be men not destroyers” –Ezra Pound
  25. “Speech synchronizes mind & body.” –Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche
  26. “The Emperor unites Heaven & Earth.” –Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche
  27. “Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.” –Shelley
  28. “Make it new” –Ezra Pound
  29. “When the mode of music changes, the walls of the city shake” –Plato
  30. “Every third thought shall be my grave” –W. Shakespeare, “The Tempest”
  31. “That in black ink my love may still shine bright” –W. Shakespeare, Sonnets
  32. “Only emotion endures” –Ezra Pound
  33. “Well while I”m here I”ll
    do the work–
    and what”s the Work?
    To ease the pain of living.
    Everything else, drunken
    dumbshow.” –A.G.
  34. “…Kindness, sweetest
    of the small notes
    in the world”s ache,
    most modest & gentle
    of the elements

    entered man before history
    and became his daily
    connection, let no man
    tell you otherwise.” –Carl Rakosi

Diversity in Art

I hope it’s okay to post without it being an assignment.

And I further hope that it’s okay to plug my old roommates blog, although that’s not the reason for posting this.

He has a recent entry that has simply fascinated me; I don’t know why.  I sort of ranted off in a long comment.  I thought both his entry & my comment  might lead to an interesting discussion over here- especially given the (relative) homogeneity of our group.  

And, yes, apparently, homogeneity is pretty much my word of the week.


What is your quest?

This morning I came across OverThinkingIt.com: Movies, TV, Music, Video, Humor and Popular Culture… Taken Way Too Seriously, and it appeals.

Two posts that you will immediately like:

I invite your comments on the quest question, and also any other posts you find that would intrigue or entertain.


To fully understand why I am releasing this thing in fragments, see my prior post.

What will follow is meant to (and may sometime this decade) be a series of posts sharing an idea I’ve been working on for a while. It won’t be complete in this or even several installments. Just the same, I’m trying to break a logjam by releasing incomplete material, so bear with me. I look forward to your feedback.

The Frame

For the sake of this experiment, the concept is to produce a web-based series based on “us”. I’ll get into the subject of the web series a bit more later, but for now, I want to continue defining the frame a bit.

The inspiration for this entire project came to me from several influences, but chief among them is the works of Joss Whedon (Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along Blog) and Felicia Day (The Guild). In particular, an interview with Ms. Day drew my interest to the changes that such a series can and has made in creative and media distribution.


The Guild, season 1: 10 episodes, 4-8 minutes in length, previously available for free via iTunes, and now, via msn media and Xbox Live. Here’s the interview with Onion AV Club that got me thinking, and I encourage you to download and watch at least the first few episodes of season 1.

Here are some of the key points from my point of view:

  • inexpensive production (compared to tv)
  • cheap distribution (mostly viral)
  • laser targeting of an audience (players of MMORPGs, and to a lesser degree, gamers in general for the guild, ours would be different)

Dr. Horrible, as most of you know, was somewhat different in form, with 3 episodes of roughly 15 minutes in length each.

Of the 2, the Guild more closely matches what I have in mind.

What I’m proposing is a web-distributed series, working in the model of several episodes (maybe 7-10). Each episode would target 4 to 10 minutes in length. Each episode would cover (perhaps not resolve) a single idea/motif/concept. Each episode would also work along a “season long” story arc.

The Concept

Part of the inspiration here is “do what you know”. What do we know? Probably the idea I like best (so far) is one I haven’t really found a concise name for yet, but most closely approaches the concept of “Artist T_rr_rists” (trying to avoid the wrong search engines). Conceive of a group similar to our membership (Lacuna or Lichtenbergian? Not sure…) as a group of folks angry that the world was trading in “real” art for a faded mass commercial shadow of itself. Rather than go quietly, they’ve decided to take a more militant approach, staging events of “artistic disobedience”. I’ve toyed with the concept of “Emotionnists”, with the idea being that each act be targeted at creating in folks an emotional reaction via these acts, with a different emotion targeted each time. We would use episodes to cover phases of the creative and execution process, and the “season arc” be the execution of a single act of artistic disobedience. We could even roll it back a bit, and make a first mini-season, showing a transformation to our roles as pseudo-artistic-militants. Oh, and the work of the Truth Project may serve as an example as well. Another possible concept would be a series about a bunch of creatives that decide to release a podcast about the creative process, and make our podcast a docu-/mocku-mentary of the process of making to podcast.

The Players

One idea I have for creating characters for such a project would be to characature each of us. What would you consider to be your most interesting idiosyncrasy? What do you consider to be your core belief on the subject of all things artistic? What physical features do you have that could be exaggerated to create a hook for your character?

(…and here ends the text I had written so far. More to follow?)

An ape’s attic antics…

So I was wallowing and wandering in my archival attic as I put off my daily line C2020-703 learning session, and I came across a theme that might do nicely to hold together some of our ongoing Lichtenbergian concerns:  Everything from the challenges of self-representation to seeking out criteria for artistic credibility can find a lip tickle orbit for discussion.  It’s a link.  Go there: C2040-408


So as we continue with our current assignment, I thought it might also be rewarding to riff on this theme of the Ape.

Assignment L08.7: Reply–>Reply–>Reply–>

The other day I received the following e-mail:

Hi – is this the Marc Honea who went Abelard elementary school and then spent teen years in Coweta county near Peachtree City?

If no – sorry!  If yes – Hi Brigham Fairview here – would love to catch up!


This kind of mail was a first for me.  All the facts were true (I’ve changed some names to respect privacy), but I was suspicious.  Yes, it would be a kick to catch up with Fairview–someone I haven’t seen since high school–but might not this be a strategy used by internet scammers either to gain personal info or send viruses?  It seemed to me it would be easy enough to assemble a bit of identifying info (why not by stealing info from people who use searches to track down old acquaintances, even?).  Or what if Fairview was exploiting old acquaintances to boost his Amway sales (something I have been on the receiving end of in the past)?  Or perhaps he or some scammer wanted to lure me into a questionable investment.  My disposition (and my naiveté, probably–a healthy dose of doubt prevents it from being diagnosed as paranoia, thank you very much) made it difficult to take the message at face value (plus, the word to was left out).  I sent the following reply:

 I am he.

But how do you know for sure?

And how do I know you are “the” Brigham Fairview?

Wouldn’t it be interesting if we both turn out to be Internet Scammers, neither of us truly who we claim to be, both of us now locked in a game of cat and mouse deception, each of us daring the other to take it a step further?

Fairview, if I remember, had a sense of humor.  In his reply to this he managed to present enough evidence, including websites, to make me feel safe and silly.  Blame it on my mother:  People will walk all over you if you let them.  And my father:  People are no damn good.

But I like the premise I articulated in my message.  The Assignment, then:  what I imagine is a “story” that is just a series of e-mail messages with no commentary or explanation.  The reader would not know going in that this was a series of exchanges between two people pretending to be who they are not, neither knowing at the outset that the other is an impostor trying to exploit the other.  Dirty Rotten Scoundrels would be a useful film reference, but I think the “e-mail form” offers some unique possibilities at a more…microscopic level.  Good hunting.

The Love of Sofia

So today, my ash-bound brothers, I received a declaration of admiration from a young lady:

Hello dearest one,
My name is sofia, i am a beautiful and romantic young girl from africa, i saw your profile today at (www.shaksper.net) and loved it, i believe we can click together and make something good out of it, you can contact me directly through my private email adress

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  • The two text-based sites: one is from a noted wacko, one is from a noted 13th century arabist.

    Discuss. 650-663