14 Thoughts on “One of us

  1. Be comforted, Dale. There is no such thing as being the first to get there. Those who aspire to such have tapped into an endless source of suffering. Except James Cameron, of course. He’s always the exception. But, remember, he’s the only exception.

  2. jobie on March 26, 2012 at 4:39 pm said:

    Not completely understanding your envy here. There was a comment at the bottom of the vimeo page referring to SimCity, which is, of course, immediately what I thought of. Gretzinger’s working through his little God complex & God issues. That sounds much more trivial & negative than it’s intended to. The scope of years & the evolution of the project is very impressive. The art here is in the doing, not the product. That’s not to say that the journey is more important than the end; it’s different here. The art _is_ the change. Perhaps I’m cynical, but I don’t see, other than size, why you feel punched in the gut by it.

  3. My distress was not over not being first. It was envy of his immersion. The thing that really got to me was his deck of cards.

  4. Valid. At what point though do we draw the line between immersive and OCD? Not an accusatory statement at all, but legit question.

    If I ever need a textbook example of a gifted thinker’s “resistance to closure,” well….

  5. Immersion envy.

  6. Seeking immersion? Resist your browser.

  7. Did Gretzinger invent a mode of immersion? What if that, Dale, is your interpretation based on your own feelings of lack? What if Gretzinger invented, for himself, an idea of “day?” What if he has found a way to structure his world? Perhaps his methods and approach can lend themselves to your own concerns, but perhaps not.

    The idea of the perfect method. Process as sartori. Something to stop that which gnaws.

    Gretzinger offers a mode of representation (and presentation–noting the supreme affability of his own style of relating to the camera) in which everything ultimately has a place and a sense. Even flesh. Even the void. All aspects of fantasy turned into locality–even notions of struggle, survival and consumption which seem to weave through the process, but which, too, find a home on the map, and which Gretzinger is able to observe with the same affable disinterest. But is that the creative process you seek? That kind of totality? That approach to reality?

    The cards. Notions of locus. Created but imposed? Giving away control but not. Talk about stacking the deck.

  8. Add comma after last “control…”

  9. And growing up in the Baptist church, you’ve been immersed, I assume. Only we of the spritzing churches can claim true immersion envy.

  10. “You are a living mockery of your ideals. If not, you have set your ideals too low.” — Charles Ludlum, Ridiculous Theatrical Company Manifesto

    On the train; will respond to everyone later

  11. Great quote!

  12. Responding to Jobie’s:
    “The scope of years & the evolution of the project is very impressive. The art here is in the doing, not the product.”

    I was struck by the shots of the tiles placed in a larger context. Made me think, “is the art IN the SCALE”. Each tile like unto a brush stroke. The larger canvas is compelling, as is the idea of a canvas painted at the rate of a stroke a day.

  13. Terry on April 4, 2012 at 11:56 am said:

    I find Gretzinger’s work very ironic. My conception of Life is that we are all One, but use our minds to divide things up, using symbols, like language, etc. to form a map of reality which we then believe to be The Reality. Our daily activity consists of living in that false reality while believing it is true. Gretzinger’s daily activity is actually constructing such realities literally. He would be my perfect example of how people can live in wholeness yet feel divided.

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