L.09.5: Jeff’s Five Rules for Creative Conduct

1. Don’t listen to your Inner Critic … not until you’re in the revision stage, anyway.
2. Use your Sacred Space … could be a certain time of day, a physical space like a cottage in the back yard, or even a mental space or state. Nothing “outside” gets in (finances, relationship problems, job worries, Facebook, cell phone, etc.).
3. Don’t waste a lot of time poring over stuff you’ve already done. Focus on generating new material.
4. Always, always, always back up what you do. External hard drives are good.
5. Create for yourself. Don’t try to please others.

Assignment L.09.5

Having had just enough vodka/tonics, and preparatory to going upstairs in the dorm to uphold a sacred GHP tradition, I surfed across this post.

So, what are your five laws of creative conduct?  Read the post, but don’t read the comments.

Post your five laws in new posts, not in comments, thank you.

Now I’m off to run a few yards.